New Creeper and Some T-56 Goodness

So today was a happy package day with plenty of goodies arriving by various methods.  The first and foremost was a new creeper for working under the car.  For the past 3 years I’ve been using one of the cheaper HFT ones and I finally became fed up with it.

Here is a side by side shot of the old plastic HFT creeper next to the new King Crawler.  There is a night and day difference between the two.  The only thing I am likely to miss about the old one is the fact it has some tool/parts holders built in, but I doubt it’s going to bug me too much.  I’ll probably switch to just sticking my magnetic parts bowl to the underside of the car and using it to hold things for me.  As you can see the King Crawler has much larger wheels which is going to make the actual rolling around easier.  Additionally, the entire thing is cushioned and has a nice feel to it when laying down.

Creeper comparison


If you look closely at the previous shot it clearly states that the HFT creeper is supposed to hold 300lbs.  That’s just a flat out lie.  From the first day I brought it home, the bottom scrapped along the ground as you can see here.  The only way I see it not scrapping is if used by someone the size of a 12 year old boy.

Old Creeper Underside


And here you can see one of the several places the body is just cracking and beginning to break apart.

Old Creeper Breaks


All in all I think I will be pleased with the new creeper.  It has a metal frame, larger wheels, completely cushioned and still remains just an inch off the floor providing the maximum area for working on the underside of the car without sticking it three feet in the air.

The other goodies that arrived today are for the upcoming T-56 6-speed swap that I am about to dive into if I can ever get some time to work on it.  There are ARP bolts for the flywheel & pressure plate, clutch line quick disconnect tool, slave cylinder shims, clutch alignment tool and pilot bearing from Tick Performance.  A lower rubber shift boot from Hawks Third Gen.  And finally a new upper leather shift boot to match the old one I had on the A4 along with a metal retaining ring from the fine folks over at Redline Leather Goods.

T-56 Swap Parts 1


Now I just need to wait for the new crossmember, a few pigtail connectors and the master cylinder then I should be good to go.



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