New Sail Panel

The 6LE Carbon Fiber sail panel that I ordered 4 and a half months ago was finally dropped off by UPS today.  I have always planned to put on of these on the car before I was done but 6LE jumped on the forums this summer going on about how they were shuttering the business because it was too time consuming to keep up with along side their actual jobs ect.  So I quickly jumped on the bandwagon and placed an order to be one of the limited 10 slots that were going to be done before shutting down.  Then it expanded up to 25 orders.  And as of right now the website is still live and taking orders.  So as it appears, the naysayers on the forum decrying this as a money grab tactic were right and I ended up dropping a lot of money unnecessarily early for the piece.  On the upside however I did get mine for a good deal cheaper than it is currently selling for as the price was raised by almost 67% since I placed my order back in July.  Even the shipping costs were jacked up by over 11%.  So I could really sell it for a 200-300 profit if I wanted but would rather have it on the car as it is one sexy looking piece.  Without further adieu, here is a quick shot of one section I unwrapped to take a quick gander at.

Carbon Fiber Sail Panel



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